Sign the petition: We need vote by mail for all

Donald Trump votes by mail. He did in 2018 in the New York election. And he did it earlier this spring in the Florida primary election (after he "moved" to the Sunshine State.)

But now he claims that voting by mail causes fraud.

Right here in Oregon, we know Trump's just plain wrong. Vote by mail is easy, it's convenient, it's secure, and it makes our democracy accessible to more people.

Which is sort of the point of democracy, right?

Here in Oregon, we've voted by mail in general elections for 20 years. We know it works. And that's why BlueOregon Action is proud to lead the national Vote By Mail For All movement.

Please join Senator Ron Wyden, Senator Jeff Merkley, over two dozen members of Congress, several more elected officials and candidates, and over two dozen national organizations -- and sign our petition demanding national vote by mail for all.

In 2020, in the midst of this pandemic, we need vote by mail more than ever before.

Make yourself heard. Share this with folks you know, especially those outside of Oregon. Let's get this done!

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