
Columbian Newspaper

New tool targets high blood pressure
Author: Laura Williamson, American Heart Association News

For years, the question of whether to take medication to lower high blood pressure had been partly answered by a tool that calculated someone’s 10-year risk of having a heart attack or stroke.


Little or a lot, olive oil helps heart
Author: Cindy Krischer Goodman, South Florida Sun Sentinel

Olive oil has long been touted for its ability to lower heart disease risk. So University of Florida researchers set out to dig deeper to learn how much olive oil is beneficial.


Wearable tech to spot overheating catches heat
Author: Associated Press

On a hot summer day in Oak Ridge, Tenn., dozens of men removed pipes, asbestos and hazardous waste while working to decontaminate a nuclear facility and prepare it for demolition.


Weather Eye: It is beginning to feel like autumn as overnight lows dip
Author: Patrick Timm

On Sunday, Vancouver had its lowest high temperature for the month with 67 degrees. Today with light rain and showers moving in undoubtedly, we may record the lowest high temperature again for the month. The last week of summer looks more like fall, folks.


In Our View: Washington poised to meet energy demands
Author: The Columbian

The future of the Northwest’s economy and way of life can, in some ways, be distilled into a few sentences.


McQuade: Educate to fight disinformation
Author: Barbara McQuade

Russian disinformation continues to poison U.S. politics via our social media platforms. As the tactics grow more sophisticated, our best defense may be building resilience rather than hoping to eliminate it.


Letter: No good choices for president
Author: John Scukanec, VANCOUVER

As a Republican, I have carefully studied the candidates and issues in every presidential election for the last 50 years, and I have voted for candidates from both parties up and down the ballot. I watched a good portion of the “debate” last week with interest . . . pretty much all that I could stomach. And for the first time in all those years and elections, I find myself without a real choice this time around. Trump or Harris? Tweedledum and Tweedledee. Heaven help America . . . please.


Letter: Price is best choice for chief
Author: Jim Senescu, VANCOUVER

I couldn’t be more thrilled to read retiring Vancouver Police Chief Jeff Mori’s support for our own Deputy Chief Troy Price as his successor (“Outgoing Vancouver police chief has a replacement in mind . . . ,” The Columbian, Sept. 5).


Letter: Kroger/Albertsons not believable
Author: Darrel DesRochers, VANCOUVER

The leaders of the Kroger and Albertsons food conglomerates maintain that the proposed merger will save consumers money — “bigger is better.” Makes you wonder how Winco, a much smaller grocery chain, continues to beat both Kroger and Albertsons in everyday pricing on a regular basis.


Letter: Don’t waste vote, support Harris
Author: Betty Barkley, VANCOUVER

I will be voting for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz for president and vice president in November, as I love and value my freedom, democracy and women’s rights. If you write in a candidate of your choice or don’t vote Democrat or Republican, you are wasting your vote.

